Athlete Development

“Working with a runner’s basic running style as dictated by the biomechanical structure, certain modifications can be made that merely make what nature gave the runner function more efficiently.”

Bill Bowerman


Structural Development: The primary focus is to develop the body's structure. This stage is the foundation of all teaching and training and is defined by its emphasis on the basic attributes of physical expression: physical structure and work capacity. Developing the physical structure emphasizes musculoskeletal development, here called structural strength and postural strength. 

Skill Development: Teaching and training emphasis on smooth, efficient movement along with an understanding of the movement quality with respect to force, speed, power and effort.  

Functional Development: Emphasizes the application of functional movement using physical activity and games. This includes a higher level of skill proficiency and physical competency than skill development and structural development, but the focus is not extreme specialization toward competition.  

Competitive Performance:  Teaching and physical training become very specific and focused on the highest level of physical competency. Specialization of skill development and metabolic adaptations for optimization of performance for competition.


“Every human being is built on the same basic set of biomechanical functions: muscles working in concert with each other, muscles moving and augmenting bone structures, joints connecting rigid bones to allow them to support the body in differing planes.” Bill Bowerman