Rediscovering Bowerman

Who was Bill Bowerman? Most Americans will not be able to identify the Soldier, Teacher, and Co-founder of the company Nike.  

For runners and track and field fans, his name is synonymous with excellence. The U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Association even started awarding an annual award in his honor “The Bowerman”. The award simply states “The Bowerman is collegiate track & field’s highest honor.”

There is no arguing that Bowerman’s legacy runs deep and wide across the world today through the driving force of every Nike swoosh. But what if there was more to learn about Bowerman’s philosophy? What would happen to the running community if people today could read directly from his words? Would the quality of running improve in America and around the world?

Over forty years ago Bill Bowerman shared his philosophy on training in a series of articles listed below.

The Bill Bowerman Formula

"Coaching styles have changed, too, but I think the principles remain the same. Types of application change, but basic principles don't. They're like the Law of Gravity."

Bill Bowerman

Marathon Training

"You won't learn all that I think you should know about training for, and running the marathon, by reading this article. But in view of the marathon-mania that is now epidemic, it is obvious that hundreds, perhaps thousands, are running or thinking of running the 26 mile, 386 yard distance with less than reliable guidance."

Bill Bowerman

Modifying the Natural Running Style

"Working with thousands of runners and watching thousands more has taught me that everyone has a style as individual as a fingerprint. To expect everyone to run like Marty Liquori, although his is a great stylist as well as champion, would be ridiculous. To try to teach everyone to run exactly like Craig Virgin or Bill Rogers would be futile if not disastrous."

Bill Bowerman

Intervals Can Be For Everyone

"Of the hundred of athletes who have used my training advice, I believe most have progressed rapidly and steadily toward their potentials on routines that include about 25 percent interval work. I may have imposed my own bias, but few runners have ever admitted to me a preference for intervals over fartlek."

Bill Bowerman

Fartlek Workouts Improve Speed and Style Through Running Games

"But fartlek is more than just physical conditioning. It includes mental training as well and what is more elusive, something of the spirit. Successful fartlek should include-or lead-to joy, an exaltation of feeling mind, body and spirit as one, and that one is integrated with the universe."

Bill Bowerman

On Coaching Women Runners

"What man knows enough to write of women's running or even of their standing still? Probably none. Neverthless, here is an opportunity to comment on subjects which have long been of interest and concern to me: the progress and direction of women's running."

Bill Bowerman


Recognizing the importance of Running on Schedule

“There were nights during my coaching career that I wrestled until morning (or nearly so) with the schedules for squads of 20-30 distance runners as well as my other athletes. However, I'm convinced that much of the success of the many teams I coached was based on the use of written plans and the keeping of precise records.”

Bill Bowerman